About Me

What I love to do:
Family Time * Riding * Coaching * Walking * Hiking * Paddle Boarding * Ranch Projects * Volunteering * Helping people attain their goals!

B.A. Hollins University (Majors:  Biology & Spanish)
NASM-CPT - National Academy of Sports Medicine - Certified Personal Trainer

NASM - CNC - Certified Nutrition Coach
Certified OrangeTheory Fitness (OTF) Instructor

Certified SilverSneakers Flex Instructor
CPR/First Aid Certified

I'm originally from San Diego, CA but have been in TX for over 25 years.   

Together, my husband and I have 4 wonderful kids. If you attend classes you'll get to hear about them and their adventures.   

Most of my career was spent in Human Resources and Client Services.  I left the corporate world in 2013, did all the mom things and served with multiple Non-Profit organizations in our community, both as a volunteer and on Executive boards.    

Fitness became a part of my life back in high school, attending the local gym at the military base nearby.  Throughout the years I attended many different fitness classes,  gyms, and met with a personal trainer etc. but it wasn't until  2016,  when I joined OrangeTheory Fitness (OTF) and found that it was one of the best workouts for MY body.  After loyally attending classes 3-5x/week for over 3 years I decided to fulfill the long time desire to train others and obtain all the required certifications to become a Certified Personal Trainer and OTF  instructor.  After earning my certifications, I worked at OTF for an additional 2.5 years, until we moved to our ranch in Sunrise Beach Village

Horses became a part of my life as a young kid going to my best friends ranch and riding their horses.  I didn't have any formal training until college where I was fortunate enough to ride with the Hollins University Hunter/Jumper Equestrian Team.  After College, I didn't get to ride for a long time, but I was able to volunteer with a therapeutic riding center for several years which helped me get my horse fix .  Lucky for me, my daughter also loves riding and a great support to giving lessons.  

After moving to Sunrise Beach in Summer of 2021, I struggled not having access to all the fitness options I had before.  (Ranch work is not the same as working out.)  So that is why I decided to start my own company, Strides to Empowerment, LLC.  I'm so happy to be able to offer affordable and  accessible "fitness for all" classes at the SBV Civic Center 3 days a week.